Study of Consumer Behavioral Data to launch the New Product
Consumer is the king of the market because every Company producing the goods and
services for the consumers. When a company launch the new product in the market,
company first of all study about the consumers needs, and desires wants to a particulars
company products. If a new product satisfies the consumers' expectations, next time
consumers demand to be a same product to satisfy their needs and desires. In a
company the aim of marketing is to meet and satisfy the target consumers needs and
wants better than competitor's .Marketers always looking for Customer Emerging
trends. To analysis consumer behavior is help to which type of product and services
demanded by a company. A marketer study about how the individuals customers,
references groups, families select ,buy ,use and dispose the particular product of a
company ,so meet the competitions is need to be marketer study about the consumer
behavioral data to be introduce the new product to captured the market .Company
wants to earning the more profits in minimum cost. A marketer firstly had done the
market research about the market, which type of products consumers' priority. But like
any other business initiative, a product launch takes time and careful planning rushing
to market having your ducks in a row is a recipe for disaster .Consumer behavior studies
are useful to design marketing strategies by social, governmental and not for profit
organization to make their programmers more effective such as family planning, safe
driving and Red Cross etc. Consumer behavior data play a vital role to enhance the
company's goodwill or Profit abilities ratios .because every company introduce a new
product no body launch in the market before them.
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